How does a Global Financial Services Institution use its Brand legacy to compete and win against Fast and Nimble Fintechs?
Category : Retail Banking
Brands age, just like all of us. Client, a bank with a legacy brand over 100 years old, today has its loyal customer segment who are ageing, but does not connect with Millenial and Gen Z Customers who prefer fast and nimble fintechs.
Current Baby boomer segments and Millenials/GenZ have different value, service and access mental models that do not speak the same language and cannot co-exist in a single operating model.
Deep Ethnographic Research uncovered 'reach out to me' and 'always on' mental models for young customers. However, even more importantly, what we understood was the immense discomfort with constant change and 'digital resistance that the current customers experience.
Create a galaxy of product-services that delivers to the different operating models and key 'moments of truth' for individual customer experiences.
Instead of a 'one size fits all' digital solution that tries to solve everything for everybody, we split the digital platform model into layers of services with key 'moments of truth' delivering winning experiences to current core customers as well as 'digital-natives'
We designed and delivered Generational AI driven data-aware experiences through a simple conversational no-navigation interface when users wanted it and where they wanted it, without making them come to the app/feature.
Powering this digital transformation was an underlying set of graph data models we created with interaction and service algorithms that surfaced key experienced at the right context, markets, location, time, for the right profile, service categories and products.
Impact:Â Decreased customer dropouts by 19.4%. Data analysis leading to better Customer MoTs preferences and behavior, increased customer satisfaction rate by 300bps.